1 Corinthians 13:4–8a

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails

Monday, October 1, 2012

Latest Map DOTA 6.75

Defense Of The Ancient or A.K.A DOTA had released new map 6.75.. There are 2 new hero(1 agi and 1 int) and few skill are reskilled.You can download this map from http://www.getdota.com/ .Download this map here and enjoy it..

About the changelogs,there are so many changes in this new dota map..From what we hear,roshan place has already be change but it is cancel due to unknown reason and in this map,roshan still at his old place but the aegis reclaim change to 6 min and roshan will be alive after 10 min it is killed.. Click this link and u will know all the changelog.. http://www.playdota.com/changelogs/6.75.. Enjoy your new map.. !!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

For this year,this is the 1st time i ever update this blog.. Waa,its a long time right? Its juz because i'm still someone who called student and I already finished my Diploma.. I'm taking my Degree now and its kind of some enjoy moment and also hard moment.. 1st year in Degree,I still can go through easier but we cant predict what will be happen next so juz prepare your umbrella before its raining.. Oh My English!! Haha.. Sory for my broken English.. Ok for my blog now,I want to share some Korean Movie called "Battle Royal". Anyone know about it? Its not a drama,its a movie..I like this movie after watch it only for once. Nice Movie btw.  

What is this movie about? As we can see,"COULD YOU KILL YOUR BEST FRIEND?"
One class will be choose each year to join the military program called Battle Royale.. For this year in this movie,their class mission is to killed each other until one is left and the one who survive will be declared as the WINNER for that year.. This class are locate at 1 empty island and given 1 random killer weapon each student for their use to survive or to kill other. So the question here,could they kill their own friend? and what will you do if you at their place? hehe.. so let see this movie to get this answer.. Enjoy this movie.. Good Night.. ^^

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I Can Say.. "NO SURPRISE"

I've practiced this for hours, gone round and round
And now I think that I've got it all down
And as I say it louder I love how it sounds
Cause I'm not taking the easy way out
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

It came out like a river once I let it out
When I thought that I wouldn't know how
Held onto it forever just pushing it down
Felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
There's nothing here in this heart left to borrow
There's nothing here in this soul left to say
Don't be surprised when we hate this tomorrow
God know we tried to find an easier way
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
That's why this comes as no, as no surprise

If I could see the future and how this plays out
I bet it's better than where we are now
But after going through this, it's easier to see the reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

The kiss goodnight, it comes with me
Both wrong and right, our memories
The whispering before we sleep, just one more thing that you can't keep
Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

Saturday, July 30, 2011

31.07.2010.... thx vinder kerana kembalikn kita spt biasa syg trasa bahagia skali.... syg cyg cyg sngat2!! Tau .... syg ingat kita x kn mcm spt dulu tp puji tuhan kita dpt lg spt biasa .... hehehe.... ^^ .... hrp kita kn kekal tuk slamanya walau pelbagai halangan dn rintangan kita amen ....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

sorry vinder andai syg luahkn sgalanya kat blog nie.... jika cyg dh baca nti cyg kn fhm mcm mna prsaan syg..... cyg mula dari 25.07.2011 ....syg tak thu nak luah kat mna setiap org ada mslh ... nak bgthu cyg nti cyg tmbh beban dgn prsaan syg biar lh syg luah kat blog nie.. andai cyg tbuka agar cyg thu syg sngat2!! cyg cyg ....syg lalui hari2 penuh myakitkn ....cyg  syg x thu apa lg yg syg blom sempurnakn n jd org tbaik dalam hdup cyg ....syg dh sempurnakn sgalanya utk cyg ... cyg andai cyg mok lg lbh tbaik dari syg lakukan syg x mampu sbb syg dh cuba yg tbaik dalam hbgn nie.... seakan2 syg mok myerah saja dlm hbgn nie,, tp syg thu syg xboleh myerah bgtu sja kerna syg x dpt lalui hari2 tanpa cyg.... syg x slh kn cyg.... tak pernah skali slh kn cyg ..... tp plz cyg bgthu syg napa cyg mcm nie???.... syg slalu msj dgn mesra tp cyg menunjukkan respond slumber mcm x mesra lg.... apatahlg ungkap kata cinta kita slalu ungkap kn... cyg x ungkap kn mcm sparuh hdup syg x dpt bfungsi....syg fhmi cyg,syg xpernah nak sakiti hati cyg bhkan syg blom pernah abaikan cyg,syg x minta layanan 24 jam kn .... tp napa cyg mcm nie.... tlalu sakit hati syg mcm nie cyg..*walau hati nie trus menagis menahan kesakitan ini tapi ku lakukan semuanya demi cinta, segalanya telah ku berikan dan semua kekurangan ku*.... syg rdu sngat kita bsama,saat msj yg mesra,syg rdu sgalanya tp semua tu pelahan2 hilang puas syg mengejar utk kekal kn sgalanya tp makin syg mgejar makin pgi mjauh ....... cyg thu kn syg tkt ada prubahan syg tkt cyg brubah ..... syg x mok dgn* perubahan* kerna perubahan tu lh dulu telah hancurkn hati sya.... tp syg harap cyg x berubah...plz syg mohon sngat2!!!!!........hanya dgn air mata mgubati sgalanya..... hati syg dh tetutup utk cyg sorg ja.... syg x mok lg org lain... cyg kalo saat nie cyg x memahami syg  xpa k syg kn ttp btahan utk sgalanya..syg kn teruskn dn syg x kn brubah selalu mcintai cyg ..... penah syg crta dulu kn pasal doLfin.... syg kn jd doLfin tu walau apa2 pn tjadi syg kn ttp setia utk 1 org dlm hdup syg..... walau pn doLfin tahu dia x kn dpt bsama ngan insan tcinta doLfin ttp setia n x akn cari pganti.....cyg syg sngat2!! cinta cyg n syg xkn penah abaikan cyg .......thu cyg sejak khadiran cyg dalam hdup syg,syg lh insan yg paling bahagia skali ....... ^^..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Together Forever… Walking together.
Loving each other so effortlessly.
Sharing and Caring, we’re closest of friends.
Always together - Our love never ends.

Together, Forever - Our hearts are so true.
Together, Forever - Just me and you.
Together, Forever - Let love have its way.
                      Together, Forever - We’re happy each day!     

Buat insan insan tersayang..Lyvinder.. 
insan yg sedang bertakha dihati ini untuk saat ini dan selamanya ....
cayang saat ini syg amat merindui cyg .....
sayang juga harap kita akan bersama selamanya sampai hujung waktu yg bisa terhenti ...
biar pn satu saat nanti kita tak akan thu apa yg akan jdi dan belaku 
bagaimana hubungan ini......
sayang percaya pada satu prinsip dalam dunia cinta ini adalh selagi 
hati tak pernah berubah dan rasa cinta itu msih ada 
selagi itu hubungan ini akan sampai akhir waktu 
dan tak akan  terhenti di hujung waktu di pengkalan kecewa...
selagi msih ada cinta cyg kat syg selagi itu lh syg
akan menpertahan kn cinta kita .....
pernah cyg dengar kn TRUE LOVE................
selama ini setiap insan yg berkapel mesti menharapkan 
true love n kekal buat selamanya ...
saat ini cyg syg amat ingin menemukan is true love come in 
my life......
syg harap kedatangan cyg menbawa true love itu pada syg...
menjaga syg,dan menbahagiakan syg dikala ini....
cyg .......
hati dan perasaan syg hanya untuk cyg 
cyg tak usah menragui ketulusan hati syg..
kerna syg begitu mencintai cyg sampai selamanya cyg
selagi cyg msih dgn syg selagi itu syg 
menhargai cyg ........
dalam kehidupan syg belom pernah syg abaikan sstu pling syg syg...
kerna syg takut suatu hari nanti syg menanggung satu penyesalan...
thx so much kerna hadir dlm hdup syg 
sekarang ...
syg amat syukur dapat cyg....
ini saja dpt syg coretan kn ....

from:meluin your luv never die....


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Pada suatu hari di sekolah, seorang murid bertanya kepada gurunya ketika gurunya mengajar tentang kasih sayang.

Pelajar: Cikgu,bagaimana kita nak pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang yang paling kita sayang? Macamana juga kasih tu nak berkekalan.?

Cikgu: Ok,kamu ikut apa cikgu suruh, kamu pergi ke padang, kamu jalan di atas rumput sambil memandang rumput di hadapan kamu, pilih yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh belakang walau sekali pun. Kalau dah petik rumput yang paling cantik, bawa ke kelas.

Maka pelajar itu pun melakukan perkara tersebut. Apabila pelajar tersebut pulang ke kelas. Tiada sehelai rumput pun di tangannya, cikgunya bertanya kenapa tiada rumput yang dipilh?

Pelajar: Tadi masa saya berjalan, saya carilah rumput yang paling cantik, memang ada banyak yang cantik, tapi kata cikgu petik yang paling cantik jadi saya terus jalan ke depan. Sambil mencari yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh belakang lagi, tapi sampai di penghujung padang, saya tidak terjumpa pun yang paling cantik, mungkin ada di antara semua rumput tu yang cantik di belakang saya tapi cikgu dah kata tak boleh toleh ke belakang, jadi tiada rumput yang saya petik.

Cikgu: Itulah jawapannya, maknanya apabila kita telah berjumpa seseorang yang kita sayang, janganlah kita mencari yang lebih baik dari itu , kita patut hargai sebaik-baiknya dengan orang yang berada di depan mata kita, janganlah kita menoleh kebelakang lagi kerana yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku, semoga yang berulang tidak akan berulang lagi. Ingatlah orang yang paling kita sayang kerana itulah orang yang paling cantik dan paling baik walaupun kalau nak diikutkan, banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik seperti rumput tadi.